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Specifications and price of the flipper zero device

Specifications and price of the flipper zero device
Specifications and price of the flipper zero device

Flipper Zero is designed to bring together all the hardware resources required for mobile exploration and development. pwnagotchi’s project served as the inspiration for Flipper, but unlike other DIY boards, Flipper is designed to be practical for everyday use. Flipper turns your projects into games as a constant reminder that work should be fun. A little piece of hardware called the Flipper Zero has a curious nature. It can communicate with and develop actual digital systems as they are used. Verify many RFID, radio and access control systems, and use GPIO pins to debug devices.

The Flipper Zero can be controlled from a 5-position directional pad without the use of any other tools, such as computers or smartphones, and is completely self-contained. The menu contains common functions and scripts.

Specifications and price of the flipper zero device
Specifications of the flipper zero device

A device to hack phones, car remotes, and check devices، You can connect to Flipper via USB if you want more control. They’ve then included a great LCD panel instead of a TFT/IPS/OLED display because it’s perfectly visible in sunlight and only uses 400nA of electricity when the backlight is off.

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This is the functional range for a large class of wireless devices and access control systems, including garage door remote controls, garage door barriers, IoT sensors, and remote keyless entry systems.

Flipper is a powerful transceiver with a range of up to 50 meters thanks to its inbuilt 433MHz antenna and CC1101 microprocessor.

Low-frequency proximity cards

cards with low-frequency proximity Around the world, outdated access control systems frequently employ this kind of card. It’s rather stupid; it merely has an N-byte ID and lacks any form of verification, making it accessible to everyone for reading, cloning, and emulation. Flipper has a 125 kHz antenna on the bottom that can read EM-4100 and HID Prox cards and store them in memory for later emulation.

By manually entering the cards’ IDs, you can also simulate cards. Additionally, Flipper owners can remotely swap card IDs.

High-frequency proximity cards NFC

cards with high-frequency proximity Integrated within Flipper Zero is an NFC module (13.56 MHz). It makes Flipper into the ultimate RFID device that can operate in both the Low Frequency (LF) and High Frequency (HF) ranges when combined with the 125kHz module. All of the main standards are supported by the NFC module.

It functions nearly identically to the 125 kHz module and enables you to read, write, and mimic HF tags on NFC-enabled devices.

Infrared Transceiver

A TV, an air conditioner, a stereo system, and other equipment can all be controlled by an infrared transmitter.

Flipper comes with a built-in library of typical power and volume control command sequences from TV vendors. Users in the Flipper community often add new signals to Flipper’s IR Remote database, which updates this library.


Join with apps There is a Bluetooth Low Energy module included into the Flipper Zero. We will offer an open source library to enable the addition of Flipper support in community-made apps, much like we do for other Flipper wireless capabilities.

You may connect your Flipper to 3rd party devices and a smartphone at the same time thanks to Flipper Zero’s full BLE compatibility, which enables it to function as both a host and a peripheral device.

With a bigger screen and more control, our mobile developers are creating official iOS and Android apps that will allow you unleash Flipper’s potential.

Tool for Hardware Exploration

A flexible tool for hardware investigation, firmware flashing, debugging, and fuzzing is Flipper Zero. Any piece of hardware can be connected to it using GPIO, allowing you to execute custom code, control it using buttons, and print debug messages on the LCD screen. Additionally, it can function as a standard USB to UART, SPI, I2C, etc. adaptor.


power pins with 3.3V and 5V built in. No PC needed; control via built-in buttons and display.

Converter from SPI/UART/I2C to USB

Access any hardware through your desktop program to communicate.

tool for flashing firmware

Flash EEPROM or any other SPI memory type.

Fuzzing device

Analyze all protocols and signals.

The flipper zero is on sale at Amazon for $469.