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dead island 2 best weapons

dead island 2 best weapons
dead island 2 best weapons

Dead Island 2 features a wide range of weapons designed to facilitate innovative strategies for fighting zombies. While individual tastes certainly play a role, some weapons set themselves apart by their sheer power and unique features. Here’s a selection of the best weapons in Dead Island 2:

Close range weapon:

Emma’s Wrath: This massive hammer attracts attention with its sheer power, able to obliterate swarms of enemies using the Shockwave ability while dealing massive damage to massive enemies.

Close range weapon
Emma’s Wrath

Blood Rage: A legendary blade designed for close quarters engagements, the Blood Rage Knife shines with its special ability, providing transient invulnerability and high attack speed, allowing for quick elimination of mutants.

Close range weapon
Blood Rage

The Brutalizer: Infused with electric power, this sword effortlessly cuts through opponents. Its awesome ability escalates attack speed with every hit, turning its wielders into a destructive force.

Close range weapon
The Brutalizer

Long range weapons:

Bodycount: Aptly named, this legendary assault rifle boasts a fast rate of fire and a generous magazine capacity, ensuring the quick elimination of even the toughest opponents, making it an indispensable tool in a player’s arsenal.

Long range weapons

Red Dragon: A pump-action shotgun designed to deliver devastating firepower in close quarters, the Red Dragon excels in tight spaces, making short work of large groups of infected with its powerful blasts.

Long range weapons
Red Dragon

It’s important to acknowledge that these weapons represent a glimpse into the vast wealth of weaponry that awaits players in Dead Island 2. The optimal choice of armament is personal, and depends on individual playstyles and preferences. Explore the variety of weapons on offer, try out different combinations, and ensure the perfect fit for your fighting style.