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Games news

Overwatch 2 release date

Overwatch 2 release date
Overwatch 2 release date

Overwatch 2 release date Blizzard recently announced that Overwatch 2 is introducing an all-new game mode, eliminating Assault competitions. Despite that, news of the game has been absent from the scene in the past period, and the release date has not been finalized. While the latest reports indicate the arrival of the game in the second quarter of next year.

The new information came in a behind-the-scenes report from the Overwatch League. An internal source at Activision-Blizzard explained that the game is targeting the second quarter of 2022, and continued:

Says about Overwatch 2 release date “Of course we are the most aware of the need to finish the development process and publish the game at the earliest opportunity. The development team was recently told to focus on the title’s features, fix various issues, and then ship it. We look forward to publishing the title before summer 2022”

The problem is that the timing of Overwatch 2 release date

The problem is that the timing of the game’s release could directly affect the Overwatch League. As the game cannot be replaced with the new part in the middle of the season, therefore. The second quarter of next year makes more sense. However, there is no confirmation that the development team will be able to finish work on the title in that period. and the release date is likely to be carried over to a later time.

It is noteworthy that Blizzard studio recently announced the Push game mode. In addition to a brand new mode that will replace the Assault mode after it was removed from the competitive modes. However, players can access Assault maps in custom matches without restrictions.

Last March, we heard that Overwatch now supports 120 frames on Xbox Series, not PS5. For more information about the game. we invite you to read our article 13 new information about Overwatch 2, a tour behind the curtain of its development.
