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Downloading PUBG: New State for Android and iPhone, prior registration

Download the new PUBG New State “APK and on iOS”.

Downloading the new PUBG: New State for Android and iPhone, prior registration
Downloading the new PUBG: New State for Android and iPhone, prior registration

PUBG is evolving ~ in-game after more than 3 years of continuous updating And here it is now.. launching the new version of the game under the name PUBG: New State, that the company says the improvments will be in graphics, quality and simulations of reality in a great and excellent way.

In my opinion, if it has the same quality as in the advertisement, it will be the first mobile game with this powerful graphics that is nearly close to be a reality.

There’s a video I am waiting for patiently so is the other players, and just like you I want to see what I saw in simulating reality, as it appeared in the video, opening a can of energy drink or taking medicinal drugs with needles, with details of a first person’s perspective, also the car door will could get damaged and out of its original position and you will drive without the doors , it’s amazing.

There is also a very-well designed Drone Plane that is larger than the regular one in previous version of the game “PUBG”, with which you can spy on the enemies and download materials on them and confuse them, Also there’s a vehicle similar to the design of Ferrari cars, and you can get its design if you download it as soon as it is available by pre-registering.

As it appears in the announcement of the game, we notice that the buildings are better than before and the movement of the player has changed for the better than the previous game, so are the explosions will be beautifully simulated and available, like the metal firewall that is similar to Call Of Duty Mobile.

And in the amazing video, you will see bombs falling from the sky in a realistic way, and they are not shady-hidden like the previous one, it is something that makes you enjoy playing.

In a world in the year 2051, the events of the story take place in this year and it is expected to be more imroved in the weapons and materials available on the map and vehicles with an improved and sophisticated appearance.

PUBG : New State release date:

PUBG did not disclose about a specific date, but it did about the year in which it will be 2021. Pre-registration can be made from the official website , for PUBG New State Android or for iPhone, but the registration is currently pending. It will be issued soon for registration.