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Bitcoin price Up to these numbers

Bitcoin price
Bitcoin price

Bitcoin price : The price of the most prominent virtual currency unit “Bitcoin” declined in morning trading, Sunday, by more than 9.4% The price on the date of publishing the topic reached 57,389.60 USD due to profit-taking by dealers, after a sharp rise last week.

By the time (07:16 GMT), the price of one bitcoin unit had fallen to 56.1 thousand dollars, down from the Saturday closing price of 62.03 thousand per unit.

Traders carried out large-scale sales during the early hours, Sunday, to make profits they made in last week’s trading, with the unit climbing to more than $64,000, a historic high.

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Experts and financial institutions around the world have long warned of high volatility in the prices of virtual currencies, not based on hedges such as gold, foreign cash or major financial institutions.

The market value of the most popular virtual currency was $1.049 trillion, spread over 18.685 million units traded out of the 21 million units on the global table.

Global demand for the most prominent virtual currency, despite its high market value, is growing amid reports that it may break the $100,000 barrier later this year.