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how to download fortnite on iphone

how to download fortnite on iphone
how to download fortnite on iphone

How to download Fortnite on iPhone? This is a question on the minds of Fortnite fans. In order to download it, you will need official tricks and simple steps to play Fortnite on iOS devices.

After the problem with the App Store and Fortnite, downloading Fortnite on the iPhone through the Apple Store was stopped, so it can only be played via Cloud gaming. The ways in which you can play Fortnite without restrictions will be detailed and explained.

how to download fortnite on iphone

The first method: It is via Xbox Game Pass only. You are required to have a Microsoft account and you need a fast internet speed in order to be able to play, and it is free. Then you go to https://www.xbox.com/en-US/play/games/fortnite/BT5P2X999VH2 via Safari or search for Fortnite. You will play online in the cloud.

You may encounter a problem opening the site due to a test broadcast and it works in specific countries, including the United States of America. The problem can be solved. You can use this VPN to be able to play.

The second method: via Nvidia GeForce NOW. It also requires an account, but it will be free if you obtain a GeForce NOW account. You can go to https://play.geforcenow.com/.

Third method: Amazon Luna, but unfortunately this is not free if you are subscribed to Luna+ or Prime. You can stream and play it via the cloud, via this link: https://luna.amazon.com/detail/B0BTRVRN6M.

To simplify the matter for you, you can save the game page via the browser feature, which is “Add to Home Page”.

You can play with everyone across cloud gaming platforms, and you can play with those in Epic Games as well.

It may not work with cloud platforms because they require special operating requirements to play Fortnite.